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Detroit Skyline

Illinois’ Premier
Commercial Real
Estate Construction Company

Transforming Illinois’ skyline, one commercial property at a time.


In Illinois, Huntington Construction stands as a visionary builder. We see a future where businesses, big and small, flourish in thoughtfully crafted commercial spaces. A future where modern developments don’t just occupy space but ignite job creation, fuel economic growth, and transform them into hubs of progress and innovation.


This is the vision that drives Huntington Construction, our dedicated commercial real estate construction arm, forward. Each project is not merely bricks and mortar; it’s a carefully laid foundation for success designed to empower individuals, companies, and communities in Illinois. From revitalizing historical landmarks to shaping the skylines of tomorrow, Huntington Construction leaves its mark, brick by brick, dream by dream. Partner with us in building a future in Illinois where ambition finds its perfect home, and schedule your consultation today.

Comprehensive Real Estate and Construction Solutions:
From Concept to Completion

In the vast Midwest landscape, Huntington Construction stands out, not just for our towering projects but for our deep commitment to client success. No project is too big or too small, and your satisfaction is our unfaltering compass.

Backed by decades of expertise and deep insider knowledge of Illinois’ commercial real estate landscape, our team becomes an extension of yours, from concept to completion, propelling you ahead of the competition. With Huntington Construction at your side, you build more than just structures, you build a competitive advantage.

Farbman Group Headquarters:

28400 Northwestern Highway, 4th floor of the Essex Center
Southfield, MI 48034

(248) 353-0500


Decades of Industry Expertise

Farbman Group has been the cornerstone of Illinois’ commercial real estate, propelling businesses of all stripes to new heights. We translate architectural dreams into dynamic spaces that surpass expectations, regardless of the project’s scale or complexity. Our seasoned team harnesses unmatched resources to bring your vision to life, exceeding budget and timeline goals with careful precision.

Deep Knowledge of Illinois Real Estate Construction

In the dynamic world of commercial real estate construction, your success hinges on finding the right partner, a seasoned guide who grants you an unwavering edge. At Huntington Construction, we’re not just builders; we’re your strategic allies, intimately woven into the fabric of this ever-evolving terrain.

Our in-depth knowledge of Illinois’ market is your secret weapon. Every neighborhood, every industry sector, holds no mystery for us. We possess a profound understanding of zoning intricacies, development trends, and specific needs that fuel local businesses. With us by your side, you will navigate the commercial space with clarity and confidence, assured that every decision propels your venture toward a prosperous future.

A Collaborative Team of Commercial Real Estate Agents

Success in Illinois’ commercial real estate demands more than just imposing structures. It’s about forging a seamless partnership where your vision intertwines with expert guidance, leading to a thriving space that fuels your business’s longevity. At Farbman Group, we take a collaborative approach to commercial real estate that ensures your success. From the initial spark of an idea to the ribbon-cutting ceremony and beyond, our team walks alongside you every step of the way.

Our Commercial Real Estate Construction Company is Your Illinois Advantage

You deserve to amplify your brand, ignite connections, and propel your business toward limitless heights through Illinois’ commercial real estate. That, at its core, is the driving force behind Farbman Group and Huntington Construction: crafting not just buildings but commercial spaces for growth and innovation.

Whether you’re a nimble startup seeking your launchpad or a Fortune 500 giant reimagining your footprint, we understand the transformative power of commercial real estate and are ready to walk you through the construction process. Let our seasoned team guide you through the Illinois market. To learn more about Farbman Group and Huntington Construction, contact us today to schedule your consultation.